Friday, September 22, 2023

Do You Suffer from Eco-Anxiety?


Are you experiencing eco-anxiety?   

Eco-anxiety (short for ecological anxiety and also known as eco-distress or climate-anxiety) has been defined as "a chronic fear of environmental doom". Studies have been done on ecological anxiety since 2007, and various definitions remain in use.  Another widely cited definition is: "the generalized sense that the ecological foundations of existence are in the process of collapse."

Below you will find a questionnaire to help you determine the severity of your eco-anxiety and burnout.  

Instructions: Please rate each of the following items on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being "strongly disagree" and 5 being "strongly agree."


  1. I am worried about the future of the planet.

  2. I feel anxious about the effects of climate change.

  3. I feel guilty about my own impact on the environment.

  4. I feel overwhelmed by the environmental crisis.

  5. I have trouble sleeping because of my worries about the environment.

  6. I have difficulty concentrating on my work or studies because of my worries about the environment.

  7. I avoid thinking about the environment because it makes me too anxious.

  8. I feel like I can't do anything to make a difference.

  9. I feel that my livelihood or way of living will be severely threatened by climate change.

  10. I feel hopeless that anything can be done about the future of the planet.


    11.  I feel emotionally exhausted.

    12.  I feel physically drained.

    13.  I feel like I'm running on empty.

    14.  I have difficulty concentrating.

    15.  I feel detached from my work or studies.

    16.  I feel cynical about my work or studies.

    17.  I have difficulty making decisions.

    18.  I feel irritable and impatient.

    19.  I have difficulty sleeping.

    20.  I am overwhelmed by the images and stories on social media and the news.  


To score the eco-anxiety section, add up your responses to all 10 items. A higher score indicates higher levels of eco-anxiety.

To score the burnout section, add up your responses to all 10 items. A higher score indicates higher levels of burnout.


A score of 3 or higher on any individual item in either section may indicate that the individual is experiencing eco-anxiety and/or burnout. A score of 30 or higher on the eco-anxiety section or 39 or higher on the burnout section indicates that the individual is experiencing significant levels of eco-anxiety and/or burnout.

Additional Questions

These additional questions will give you a better understanding of your individual  experience of eco-anxiety and burnout, such as:

  • What are your biggest concerns about the environment?

  • How does your eco-anxiety or burnout affect your daily life?

  • What coping strategies do you use to manage your eco-anxiety or burnout?

  • What would be helpful to you in addressing your eco-anxiety or burnout?

Talking with a trained mental health practitioner can be helpful.  With their help, you can use this information to develop a treatment plan to help manage your eco-anxiety and burnout and improve your overall well-being.  More specifically, working on developing your resilience, your recovery skills and strengthening your mental core may be advisable.

For more information about resilience and recovery skills, and your mental core, enroll in our online course:  "Strengthening Your Mental Core."

NOTE: This article was AI-assisted.

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