Friday, August 18, 2023

Your Flow State Questionnaire


I am often asked the question "How do I know if I need help with mental conditioning and coaching?" The following questionnaire may help to determine current your mental fitness or how well you establish "flow state conditions."

Here's a 15-item yes or no questionnaire to assess your mental fitness and your current ability to create a flow state:

1. Do you often find it easy to concentrate on the task at hand?

2. Are you able to maintain a sense of calm and focus even in stressful situations?

3. Do you feel a sense of enjoyment and fulfillment while engaging in challenging activities?

4. Are you able to block out distractions and maintain sustained attention?

5. Do you feel a strong sense of confidence in your abilities to overcome obstacles?

6. Are you able to quickly adapt and adjust to unexpected changes in your environment?

7. Do you frequently lose track of time while engaged in a task you enjoy?

8. Do you often experience a sense of effortless and automatic movement in your activities?

9. Do you have a clear sense of goals and purpose in your daily life?

10. Are you able to fully immerse yourself in activities, feeling completely absorbed in the present moment?

11. Do you feel a strong sense of control over your thoughts and emotions?

12. Are you able to find a balance between challenge and skill in your activities?

13. Do you often experience a deep sense of satisfaction and accomplishment after completing a task?

14. Do you feel a sense of clarity and mental clarity during your daily activities?

15. Do you find yourself naturally and effortlessly entering a state of flow in various areas of your life?


- Give yourself one point for each "Yes" answer.

- A higher score indicates a greater likelihood of being mentally fit and entering a flow state.

Note that this questionnaire is not a scientifically validated assessment tool but can serve as a rough guide to self-reflect on mental fitness and the potential for experiencing flow. For a more accurate assessment, it's recommended to consult a qualified mental health professional or use validated assessment tools specifically designed for this purpose.

To learn more about mental conditioning, enroll in our new online, self-paced course: "Strengthening Your Mental Core."

NOTE: This questionnaire was developed with the assistance of AI.

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